A Record of Journeys
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A little while ago I was dreaming and becoming lucid entered a huge open field of grass. Wondering what to do I decided to ask to meet the great mystic and teacher Pythagoras. I am not sure why in that moment his name came to mind but I had recently created a course on Ancient Greek Mysteries so perhaps it was fitting that his name emerged into my mind with a sense of purpose. Walking around I intuited that I'd need to visit the Underworld to find him. In Ancient Greek thought the Underworld was the home of the dead, both the unwise and the wise, the hero and the ordinary citizen. And so, I let myself fall and descend down through the crusts of the dream earth. After travelling through the darkness, I found myself in a set of dark rooms. The walls were tiled with clear black material that looked like a kind of hardened resin. There were circles and symbols on the tiles and what looked like mathematical equations. I began to peer into the tiles and the dream narrative, like quickly drying resin began to slow down, and then eventually pause. I feared this could signal the end of the lucid dream in that the mental juice that was fuelling it seemed to have run out. But then I just relaxed and becoming absorbed into gazing at the tiles I became open to possibility... What happened next while literally took my breath away. Suddenly the Lucid dream got going again in a big way and a hidden door to the dark room opened up and I walked into an environment that felt completely stable and almost indistinguishable from physical reality. The shift caused me to literally gasp for breath as I sought to balance and adjust to the new scenario. I often tell people on my lucid dream workshops that although dreams may often seem like a very visual, impalpable, ethereal experience actually all the senses can come alive in lucid dreaming, touch, taste, smell, hearing and yes, the sixth sense as well! And although some environments may seem fleeting some can feel very stable indeed! To experience it emerge so unexpectedly and dramatically though really took my breath away. And so now I found myself in what seemed like a doctor’s waiting room with a magazine sitting on a coffee table. I went outside and I met a friendly woman who pointed me towards a group of horses that looked strong, passionate and wild in a kind of stable and paddock like setting. Maybe there was some kind of teaching here in the other meanings of the word ‘stable’ and a nudge to find a kind of stability that is able to alchemically mix with all the strength and passion of a powerful horse? Or perhaps the vegetarian animal loving Pythagoras had a love of horses?
We all struggle sometimes don't we? Even gifted facilitators, teachers, everyone comes up against suffering in this life. A couple of nights ago I was in a lucid dream and I simply offered up a question into the space like "Is there someone I can help?". It's easy to always be asking for guidance but it's in many ways more useful to ask what we can gift for someone else. At least we want some balance and remember what we already know. Interestingly the person that appeared in my lucid dream was my love and partner Lena. At that moment of asking into the dream-matrix it was my 'nearest and dearest' that most needed support and I'm in a position to help. Lena simply manifested into the lucid dream and telepathically I asked what she needed. She called out strongly for her mum. In waking life, sadly Lena's mum died a few years ago. Of course she is still alive in spirit and in the dream someone appeared on the horizon and Lena rushed off to meet her and embrace. In waking life Lena was due to start a new job this Jan teaching music to children, but the organization changed their mind and decided on someone else at the very last minute, and so Lena was badly let down. Just that... 'suffering' we sometimes all feel, and the response of life that can come through conscious dreams. According to recent scientific folklore the human body will replace all of its cells every seven years, and certainly if we look closely we will probably see that during certain times in our lives we will feel like very different people indeed. I remember times in my life when I was in my early twenties when I felt like I had literally been reborn, with a completely fresh appreciation of everything around me. But yet seven years before that in my early teens, like many of my generation (that's my excuse anyway :)) I was probably dulling my mind and spirit playing some computer game. Around 30 I remember feeling completely exhausted and alienated in a full time office based job, even to the point where sitting in a park one day, someone asked "Are you ok?". But yet a few years later I was vibrant full of energy, having Kundalini Awakenings, with people saying "you seem like a completely different person". Now six of so years later again I'm in a different space... Of course as the sages have always said we tend to make an identity out of these changing states and say yes I am like this... not so bad in the high points but not so healthy in the low points, as then we can reinforce the downwards spiral... One constant we can take from all of this is there will always be change. And in a real sense we are always changing, re-shaping ourselves out of the same soul template and set of tendencies... So wherever we are let's remember that change is always possible and in fact inevitable. So let's begin each day, hour, minute and moment afresh believing that anything is possible, let's remember that an upwards spiral is always possible, and not let ourselves be held prisoner by expectations and familiarity... And hopefully my courses will help you in your own inner process of transformation. For more info on my online courses visit: Tom's Udemy Online Courses Page Have you noticed when your dreams offer you the next chapter in the worlds of the imagination you are living through and creating in your lucid dreams and astral travels? A couple of weeks ago I was in an OBE state and as I was testing I was really there by placing my hand through the non material side of my boat, I decided it would be interesting to explore more this pliable substance that we often find in the lucid dream and obe state. I moved my hand through the wall scooping up a handful of the non-physical astral material and I begin to play with it in my hands. It seemed to have the feel of dry yet wet sand. Dry in my hand but with the consistency as if it was wet.... I then had the thought it would be interesting to sculpt something from this sandy substance.... The following night I was in a dream and I was surrounded by Celtic looking figures who were pouring water down the grooves of a sculpted face that looked like an ancient totem green man figure. The substance of the face looked like dry carved sand stone. The figure didn't have leaves like the typical green-man but yet felt earthy, ancient and of the forest. The material that the face was sculpted from looked like it had been sculpted from of the astral material I'd felt in the OBE the night before. It felt like what I had begun in the OBE through a simple thought of wondering about sculpting with the pliable sand like astral material had been carried through in the dream of the next night... Have you noticed when your dreams pick up the thread of where you left off in your inner journeys? "Do we not live in dreams?" Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson What are your current goals and do you remember to keep them in mind? As a regular lucid dreamer and astral projector I find it very useful to keep a running list of 'what I will do next when i'm there'... I find this very helpful to help me from going down well mind trodden paths of for instance asking for Guidance etc and I was just thinking about this yesterday, before having an intriguing lucid dream in the early hours of this morning. Although in the lucid dream I did at first ask for appropriate Guidance etc I quickly remembered my new 1 mission on my 'do to list'.. I have for many years had an interest in our ancient sacred landscape and of course this includes the great stone circles of Britain and Ireland and it's always intrigued me as to how these sites where originally used or appeared in their early days... clearly travelling back 5000 years may be a challenge even in the highly responsive and and intelligent lucid dream environment but I gave it an initial whirl. Soon flying down a landscape at dark I saw a wonderful stone circle off to my left. Flying over to it I saw that the stone had carved wonderful ridges all the way through them similar to the stones inside the great long barrows on Gavrinis in Britanny France. Perhaps some of our weathered stone circles originally where much more symbolically carved. Techniques to activate Lucid Dreaming Intention- Intention is very important for lucid dreaming. Your subconscious and deeper mind need to know that you want to bring lucid dreaming into your life. One of the best ways to have this intention is through the use of affirmation, so when you go to sleep and night repeat to yourself that ‘You will become lucid and conscious in your dreams tonight!” Another wonderful way is to recite a prayer before going to sleep. An example of a lucid dreaming prayer that was developed on a recent event is as follows. You can use this or better yet, write your own! Example of Lucid Dream Prayer “Our purpose is to develop deeper clarity and to reconnect with our inner child. May we tune into the world of dreams, go for deep adventures, and solve the timeless mystery of love. May we kindle the song of life and humour within us and make good life decisions. May we do all this through awakening to lucid dreaming and the wonders of the dream world.” Meditation- Regular meditation is one of the best ways to build up the one pointed awareness, concentration and mindfulness that is necessary for lucid dreaming to open up. Never forget.. lucid dreaming will arise when you begin to tap into and release the deeper levels and potentialities of the mind. So meditation is wonderful for this. If your mind is very distracted, then this distraction will play out in your dreams and lucidity will be very hard to attain. Also seek to go to sleep with a relaxed body and mind. For suggestions for meditations see Tom’s book The Initiation Dream Recall and Dream Journal- All lucid dream teachers agree , you need to be able to remember your dreams in order to have lucid dreams and if you can consistently remember a few dreams every night it shows that the door in open for you to begin to put the final parts in place to order to open up the world of lucid dreaming. So when you wake up, before you move ask yourself the question: What was I dreaming? Where have I been? How does that dream feel to me? Begin to coax your memory and soon the dream narratives will begin to come back to you. Keep a dream journal! Tom and Lena are preparing a new dream journal which will be available soon! Keep a note in your dream journal of the moments in dreams that you could have used to trigger lucid dreaming… Underline or highlight these things. If you don’t want to write out your dreams, or in addition to writing them out you can also experiment drawing them or speaking them into a voice recorder. Reality Checking- Frequently throughout the day ask yourself the question: Am I dreaming? What is going on? Who am I? Am I awake? Test to see if you are dreaming by placing your hand against something solid. If you are dreaming it will eventually go through… if it stays solid you are awake! Other reality check techniques include looking and looking back at a clock or your hand, in a change it will change. WBTB Technique- After 4-6 hours of sleep get up in the middle of the night, interrupt your sleep cycle and begin to do some practice, meditation and/or yoga and breath-work works really well. See Tom’s book The Initiation, available on amazon for lots of meditation and breath-work techniques. Recommended Reading List The Initiation By Tom Llewellyn Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen Laberge The Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner A few night ago I was in that wonderful creative, liminal zone that lies between sleep and wake, and I felt the vibrational state begin to dawn in contracting waves around the skull and third eye. They began to build up in intensity and speed, and as they did I noticed a very curious phenomenon. As the vibrational waves came, I was lying with my head cupped in my right hand and I could feel my temples physically contract and pulse. This was so interesting to me as sometimes the vibrational state is often solely talked of as occurring in the subtle energy body with little physical vibrational movements being noticeable in the physical body, but here, as the vibrational waves came, I could notice my temples physically pulse and contract. The waves built up to their perfect pitch and then after a little energy body spinning I rolled out of bed and my physical body. Getting up I felt a little heavy and tangled up in energy cords so I asked for them to be cleared and they were! I turned to my girlfriend who was lying in bed, and as she is currently developing her lucid dreaming I asked her ‘Lena are you dreaming?’. Her energy body immediately got up and she said ‘I’m not just dreaming, I’m right here’. I looked into the face of energy body and it became full of subtle depth and wisdom, as if it contained the wisdom of a million years. After this, I teleported into another astral journey and explore an urban landscape. Please if there are others that notice physical symptoms and changes when they are in the vibrational state please let me know... After a dry period for lucid dreaming I started to jot down a few recent dreams. Doing this simple task for a couple of days sparked off within me enough 'dream recall' and depth of consciousness for, on the following night, a lucid dream to emerge. Walking through the thoroughfare of dreams and becoming with a bright spark of consciousness 'lucid', I decided to express the intention of asking if there was any guidance for me from the 'water spirits'. I should say that I qualified this by saying 'One's that have wisdom and intelligence and loving-kindness'. I might also say that working with 'nature spirits' is not a new thing for me. I have embedded this into my spiritual practice for quite a few years now. After expressing this intention I began to feel that familiar 'lucid effect' where the dream scenario begins to ripple, shift and change to a different vibrational state. Of course this will only happen when there is some kind of response to the intention that we have cast into the dream matrix of consciousness. No significant response and little would change. Fortunately for us though, if we are prepared to wait there will usually be some kind of response. As the lucid dream landscape changed and I found myself in a new environment I began to see a set of what looked like silver spoons within a kind of innocuous looking cage. My attention though was drawn to them and picking one of them up I found a silver box in my hand. Opening the box I saw a script with writing on it. I did read the writing and remember some if it, albeit it was flickering and changing within the dance of consciousness, but it would not be appropriate to reveal of what I remember in this blog format. After reading the script I met a group of human looking beings. Albeit I could sense that I was among beings that were 'more than human'. My attention settled on one of them and we engaged in a playful, yet strong and meaningful energetic dance that felt a little like ta-chi. Looking back at the experience I am very happy to have been given these gentle gifts by the 'water spirit's' and as for the 'silver spoon's... mysterious associations begin to stir in my mind. One perhaps is that I could put more effort into making food offerings to these graceful spirits of nature. Another meaning could be that I must maintain that certain reverence in regard to them, as might we would if we brought out our best set of silver cutlery for a special guest. Alas we all know how easy it for the human spirit to become complacent, arrogant or a little mindless in our dealing with the more subtle side of life. Also how we take for granted all the wonderful minerals and precious substances we take form the earth. May we all hold a playful and sacred respect for mother nature and her riches. I sometimes experience a phenomenon that modern mystic Robert Bruce refers to as the ‘vision screen’. It can happen in the hypnogogic state, in the images that play on the borderline states between wake and sleep and it can also happen in dreams, lucid dreams or other subtle states. One day recently I had been doing a lot of meditation in the garden that I use to activate ‘inner seeing’. During these meditation sessions I developed some concentration and absorption through counting the breath in bright coloured numbers, and after sometime I began to imagine simple shapes like ‘blue mountain’, ‘blue tree’, ‘blue sky’, and then ‘pink cloud’, ‘pink girl’, ‘pink ‘flower’ and other simple forms like this. After a while I felt my inner eye begin to awaken with a bright tingling sensation. That night I was in a lucid dream and I asked what the Angelic realm felt about some of my upcoming events. I had some upcoming lucid dream sleepover events coming up and after I expressed this question the vision screen appears. The vision screen in the words of Robert Bruce to be a way to calibrate the inner eye. Images appear as sequential slides across the mind eye, like an old fashioned slide projector camera. It really is an interesting thing to experience. In the past when I saw the vision screen I remember seeing the parts of something like a black electronic device. This time when I saw the vision screen I began to see the images of different Angels faces. They were noble and stable faces, full of a depth of character. Their eyes were human like but yet beyond the human and like polished crystals. They all had great love in the eyes and faces. The manifestation of the love was both the same and different. Some were almost smiling with great warmth in their faces. The vision screen seems to be a way for the mind to perceive things that are a bit beyond its current field of vision. A simple way to see what is streaming in from a different plan of existence. Interestingly after seeing the Angels faces other messages came up in words on the sliding images. I couldn’t read them all as they were moving from one to the next quite quickly yet I remembered some of the words that came through. I was chatting to my housemate one eve and she asked me if when I next went shopping I could buy her some coconut yoghurt. I didn’t think so much about the idea but a couple of nights later I was in the realm of dreams and at some point I had that ‘hang on a minute’ moment and realised that I was dreaming, before me I saw a container that looked a bit like a yoghurt carton. I began to use my imagination to coax into a different form. I felt it becoming coconut yoghurt and I saw the form begin to transform. For some reason it retained a kind of coconut crunchy texture, perhaps in the universal mind each thing has a certain form… and in that universal mind coconut has this kind of crunchiness, rather than a creamy fluid form like milk yoghurt. I took up the carton and began to lick and eat what was in inside and it was delicious! It’s incredible the things that occur to the lucid dreaming mind. Although we may have certain things on our lucid dream ‘to do’ list… Rather than seeking into a deep question or researching a matter of deep soul substance, it occurred to me to use the experience to do some dream shopping for my friend. It is probably a good thing that we allow ourselves to sometimes play in the realm of lucid dreaming, as this encourages softness and fluidity of mind. Sometimes our dreaming mind may be caught up into a great wave of soul narrative, but then at other times we may descend to much more simple domestic concerns. The next time I saw my housemate, I told her “Oh I did find some coconut yoghurt for you.” “Oh yeah” she said. I continued “but not in this physical reality, I found you some in the world of dreams!”. |
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December 2024
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