Like you I am a human being. We all feel different callings in life, and there are times when we feel nudged by our inner spirit to walk a certain path. When I was a young man I had awakening experinces and thankfully they gave me a feeling that life can be made meaningful. Of course like all sometimes I forget but then I remember to remember and tap into deeper soul forces within me.
This process we can call 'Soul Remembering' like the ancient Greek Word Anamnesis we can recall and live from the deeper wisdom within us. I first accessed the wondrous world of Lucid Dreaming over twenty years ago, on a soulful night camping in Glastonbury. There the worlds of Lucid Dreaming beagn to open up to me. And I have hundreds and hundreds of fascinating lucid dream journeys since then. Around a decade later the Astral Worlds / OBE's became accesible to me and then I was able to go deeper into the non-physical worlds. Since this time these two practices of Lucid Dreaming and OBE's have never ceased from arousing deep curiousity and wonder within me. I know through the testominies of students I can support you to also unlock these worlds in a balanced and grounded way. I believe I can do this as believe I was not born practising these things I needed to work and develop the right techniques to unlock these worlds within me. I practice meditation and yoga daily and teach many classes and workshops where I live in the Uk and online globally. I am also deeply passionate about sound and vibration and love to play my Renaissance Lute and explore Sound Healing and offer Sound Baths. Globally we have over 9000 students on our Bestselling Sound Healing. I offer events around the themes of meditation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, Sound Healing, Kundalini yoga and Creative Ritual. I have a 220hr+ Yoga Alliance recognised qualification to teach Kundalini Yoga. I'm a keen practitioner of Kundalini Yoga and have had Kundalini awakening experiences. I am fully insured to lead workshops in meditation, lucid dreaming, sound baths, astral projection and Kundalini yoga. I also have an accredited diploma in Sound Therapy. I have written two books, The Initiation: A Progressive Spiritual manual and Kundalini: The Path to Regain the Divine and have created two online courses available on Udemy. In my more everyday life I have a background as a licensed GOALS Uk trainer in positive psychology and confidence building; I'm currently based in the South West of England. I was involved with Green Politics for many years and was a city councillor between 2006 - 2010. |