What's Happening Now
See links below to upcoming events
Next Wales Retreat!🙏
April Friday 25th-Tuesday 29th 2025 Combining DreamWork, Storytelling and Accessible Kundalini Yoga run in collaboration with Sarah Janes from themysteries.org and Rozanna Lowe (Professional Theatre Director and Storyteller). Cost £600 (Early Bird Tickets available until 28th Feb). Contact Tom or Sarah for more details and to book. |
Exploring Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection in Bristol, Bath and walesIn this meetup group based in Bristol and South West, UK we will learn how to access the realms of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection. A lucid dream is a dream where we are conscious that we are in the dream state. An astral projection is an out of body experience, where consciousness transitions beyond the body of the physical senses into non-physical reality. We needed to close the meeetups groups due to the lockdowns but they may be up and runnings again soon!
Bristol Outdoor Meditation and YogaIn this group we will sit outdoors and practice with our bodies, the present moment and the the four elements of earth, fire, water and air. We practice outdoor meditation in parks and sacred spaces around Bristol and the South West. We are always experimenting with different techniques in practice. We also practice outdoor yoga and together, work to deepen and develop our conscious awareness.
Kundalini Yoga in Bristol, Bath & the South WestEach class contains breathwork, warm ups, a specially designed Kriya and a Sound Relaxation. I am currently running two weekly classes in Bristol, Uk on Monday 10.30am-12pm at Sensate Spa, Henleaze and one on Tuesdays 6.3opm-8pm at St Michaels Parish Hall, Park Lane, Bristol.
Hear we give a space to explore dreams and use innovative creative techniques to explore our dreams in a safe and supportive settings. We also explore Lucid Dreaming and share techiques and do exercises to support us in accessing and going deeper with the practice of Lucid Dreaming. We also do special and fun intuition exercises. And end each evening with a crafted Yoga Nidra Sound Bath. Every second Tues of the month from 6.30pm-8.30pm at St MIchaels Parish Hall, Park Lane, Bristol Some feedback from particpants of Nov 2024 Circle "It was a very pleasurable evening and it was so nice to be able to share our experiences with others, in a place where we feel listened too and supported. This was an excellent opportunity to listen and learn. I’m looking very much forward to our next session with Tom." "I had a lovely experience at Tom's lucid dreaming event, and I've enjoyed starting to practice new dreamworking techniques. It's rare you get to meet people who are also interested in their dream life, and I'm excited to get to know how other people relate to lucid dreaming and use it's wonderful power. I'm looking forward to future events, and going deeper into this vast world of lucidity." |
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This meetup led by Tom was a ground breaking, exhilarating sensory experience, surrounding with likeminded people. I felt calm and restful and will be attending the next meet up. |
I have been attending Tom's meditation classes for over six months now and the results we are getting now are really quite extraordinary! |
I felt SO much more aware after going to one of Tom's meditation classes! |