A Record of Journeys
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You have been doing a lot of yoga, meditation and pranayama (breathing exercises) during the day and at night, as you lie down for bed, keeping very still you go through a deep relaxation exercise. As you physically relax you make an effort to stay mentally alert. You do this by being attentive and holding your awareness at your brow centre. When you are deep in relaxation, when your thoughts and sense experience have hushed right down you do some energy exercises such as rocking your energy body from side to side, like a boat rolling from side to side in choppy water. You also imagine your energy body rotating and spinning gaining dynamism and movement. You fall asleep normally but with greater awareness than usual. You wake up around 3am. You get up and do some more simple pranayama breathing exercises and a few physical stretches and then go back to sleep, seeking again to stay mentally alert but deeply physically relaxed and still. After a while you turn over and allow yourself to fall asleep but then later you find yourself awake mentally but your body is still asleep. You are just on the cusp between waking and sleeping and you notice mysterious vibrational energies coming as waves around your brow centre. You have entered into the vibrational state! You stay alert and relaxed in a thought-free state and when the vibrational waves reach a peak you exit your consciousness separates from the body. You are now having an out of body experience. In these two paragraphs above I have laid down a route or routine by which you can have an OBE. In some ways ‘out of body’ experiences are highly natural but in other ways they are an exceptional experience that you will probably require a lot of practice time in order to achieve. There may some building blocks that need to be there before the above experience can manifest but OBE’s are not as hard to achieve as you might ‘conceptually’ think. There are some authors of OBE’s who feel that we all have out of body experiences during the sleeping process but we either do not remember them or are not conscious as the process takes place. This leads us to point to a fundamental state or what we could call a Key-State that we need to become familiar with if we are to begin the journey of OBE. That place of being is what is called the ‘Mind Awake/Body Asleep’ state. Keeping the light of conscious awareness burning through the sleep states is key to the practice of OBE. This is why we practice keeping as alert and mentally attentive as possible as the body becomes more and more relaxed. In a sense we want to be able to wake up within certain sleep states. To stay as conscious as possible in the twilight zones between sleep and wake. To become familiar with the mind awake/body asleep state you will need to be able to deeply physically relax. If you cannot physically relax then this will really be the first step on the journey. One way to condition yourself into the mode of being able to relax is through ‘verbal-self-suggestion’. The mind and body is more likely to respond to an audible voice than it is to a mental prompt so leading yourself ‘out-loud’ through a relaxation exercise can be profoundly effective. Actually leading yourself ‘out-loud’ through most exercises, like meditation or yoga also works extremely well for the same reasons. The next thing after relaxation, and the mind awake/body asleep state that we need to consider is the vibrational state. What actually is this state? And what factors will lead to its being made active? This is a very mysterious state and most authors only offer views and perspectives. It seems to me that the vibrational state provides the fuel that is needed for the journey and kind of tunes the energy body to the frequency/vibrational level that is needed for an exit. I also personally relate the vibrational state to the Chakra’s. Some people refer to the vibrational state as something they experience throughout their whole body but others refer to it emanating from one of the chakra areas such as the brow centre, crown or heart centre. I usually offer the perspective that in order to reach the vibrational state one of these three higher chakras needs to be developed and open to a high degree. For me the vibrational state seems to be connected to these energetic centre that through the vibrational state pump the energy that is needed to phase the energy body into the astral state. When you reach the peak of the vibrational state the exit itself it usually pretty straightforward. It is just a matter of coming out! There may be some difficulties but these can usually be surmounted by relaxation, fluidity of awareness and positive thinking. The ocean of the subtle states of experience are now open to you to explore and don’t worry when you come out you will always re-enter your body after the journey. So in essence to have an out of body experience you need: Deep relaxation Be able to reach the mind awake/body asleep state Have some of the Higher Chakras Open (Heart, Third Eye, Crown) There are also other factors at work when we approach the realm of astral projection. The lighter and freer our energy body the easier we will find it to exit our denser vehicle of consciousness (the body) and access the more refined levels of consciousness (etheric body, astral body, subtle body etc). If we are really energetically dense and heavy it can be hard to project. There is also the issue of what we could call the ‘Green Light of the Higher Self’. In other words astral projection will probably only dawn for you if you are deemed ready by your Higher Self and all the forces that your Higher Self is connected with.
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AuthorA dreamer Archives
September 2024
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