A Record of Journeys
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I’m flying around the landscape in a lucid dream surrounded by green verdant trees and old stone ruins, then through a slight shift, suddenly I’m back in my dream body on a dream bed. You could call it a ‘false awakening’ but there is nothing really ‘false’ about it. I feel like I’ve just been taken back to base and to a slightly deeper level of dreaming. I’m stationary for a shimmering second within my dream body. This feels like a platform for a new experience to unfold. Suddenly I feel my heart centre and third eye vibrating and I’m exiting this dream body and beginning to journey with a vehicle of consciousness that seems to be functioning on a different vibrational level. I don’t exactly feel like I’m separating from my physical body but I feel the sense of separation as if I’m moving further from it in some way. During another night practice I’m in a lucid dream touring around an ancient city and then again I’m back in my dreaming body lying down in a bed, suddenly I’m spinning clockwise with a series of images moving through my mind and then when I reach the right speed I’m out! I’ve exited and am journeying within the astral world. After a few experiences like this I realise that my lucid dreaming awareness is starting to become more fluid and astral projection is becoming more attainable. Suddenly my higher Self is starting to unlock the doors to a new level of experience! Having run a lucid dreaming group for some time I’ve noticed that the people that are interested in lucid dreaming are often also interested in Astral Projection and of course I am one of these people as well! I wanted to write in this article a little bit about my experiences of bridging between the world of lucid dreaming and the world of astral projection. Frequent lucid dreamers will often decide at some point that they want to dive into the world of astral projection and the territories in many ways are not that dissimilar. It’s easier to exit from dreams, where consciousness is already fairly fluid, than it is from physical reality which is usually more rigid and dense so you know that if you’re having these type of lucid dream experiences like those above you know that the territory of astral projection is opening up to you. Your spirit is training you for what is coming. You could see them as preparation for astral projections from the physical. Much of the work though to bridge between regular lucid dreams and astral projection will probably come from the waking state. It’s all to do with what the higher self will allow and this will depend on how mobile, dynamic and free your energy body is. The freer the energy body is the more green lights you will get from those upstairs, your higher self, subconscious or however you like to think about it. One thing that all lucid dreamers and projectors benefit from is deep relaxation and etheric ‘lightness’. By etheric ‘lightness’ I mean getting your energy body to the point where it is light and fluid and not dense, heavy and weighed down by negativity. This is essential for astral projection. If you are completely weighed down by things it’s unlikely you’ll have the resources to get astrally mobile. There are many ways to free up your etheric body but some of the best ways are deep relaxation and subtle energetic tactile energy work. Expanding and playing around with your sense of boundaries helps a lot. Moving energy in and around your physical and energy bodies, spinning, churning, and climbing the cosmic ladder with your imagination, this is the ground of tactile energy work. If you lie there on your bed and deeply relax the body while remaining conscious and aware you will get to the point where your body starts to fall asleep but your mind stays awake. Concentrating on the third eye here really helps as this is a powerful energy centre that is deeply connected with your sense of conscious ‘I’ identity. You may feel at some point a deep falling sensation and this is an indication that your body is falling asleep and shutting on. Great news! You’re now half way along the royal road to projection territory. The vibrations that come from the chakras will soon began and then you can project. As my friends and I venture deeper into lucid dreaming and astral projection the definitions begin to break down and you are often left just using words like ‘spirit journey’ or ‘an experience in the spirit’. There are many times when experiences are presented that do not fit the neat definitions we may have formulated. WILD lucid dreams can be good for that sometimes the experience is much closer to a kind of ‘remote or virtual viewing’ you’re not really a character in a lucid dream, you are more an observer through your third eye. There are also times when astral projection experiences become very like lucid dreams. There is the exit from the body and then dreaming awareness begins to function. This can leave people scratching their head as to the difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection but reality will always be one step beyond our strict definitions. Many projectors know that the real-time zone can be a grisly place full of all sorts of unsavoury characters so one of the reasons astral projection experiences become like lucid dreams is that it’s a safer ground to explore the out-of-body state. Another reasons may be that the astral body needs to be quite strong to stand up and hold itself in the turbulent physical like world of the real-time zones so it finds it easier to function in a more lucid dream like environment. These environments also provide a world of instruction and symbolism that the traveller in their astral body will also needs as they develop. Another reason why astral projection experiences may become like lucid dreams is that we are not experiencing things ‘directly’. If someone asked why their journeys were becoming like lucid dreams a valid response may be “Well in your waking state are you always ‘directly’ perceiving things or do you not often get distracted into your thinking dream like awareness? Do you not often experience things through this veil? If you are experiencing things like this in your waking state do not be surprised if it is like this when you journey.”
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sam kemp
6/2/2015 04:12:56
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